Scaling peaks: Right investment to pinnacles

Malavath Purna, a high-schooler from the Telangana Social Welfare Residential School and the youngest girl in the world to scale the Everest peak at the age of 13 years.
Digital marketing, the catalyst that transformed the real estate industry

Over the last decade, we have seen digital marketing emerge as a key force in swaying audience opinion regarding a brand or an organization. Social channels not only help improve the brand image, they also help in reaching a wider target audience. Many organizations are opting for DM due to the plethora of opportunities it […]
The impact of social media on marketing today

Social media has reinvented the wheel of marketing; changing the way organizations present themselves to the public. In today’s day and age, public opinion and perception of a company can make or break a business. Where once, the consumer’s voice was small and unheard, now, even a layman can make his/her presence felt through social media. […]
How will automation impact digital marketing?

When the world saw Tony Stark fiddle with the idea of a bodiless voice as his lab assistant, many rejected the concept, calling it too far-reaching and delusional. They said the same about the Jetsons flying cars and moving walkways were nowhere to be seen. And then Jarvis changed the entire equation. If we talk […]
The silver lining of the pandemic cloud

Life lessons from the pandemic! How experiences from pandemic and the subsequent lifestyle changes translates to lessons in digital transformation for businesses The outbreak of the pandemic has changed the way of life as we know it. Similar to how a lifestyle transformation was essential for the human race to survive, a digital transformation was […]
How long does your post live on social media platforms?

A Journey through the life of a post Social media marketing efforts extend beyond creating and posting on social media. The pandemic taught us the importance of monitoring and making optimized judgments. The same has to be done for social media posts as well. When you are shopping for products, one of the important things […]